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We just went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and filled our kitchen with seasonal fruits and vegetables...now it's time to turn them into delicious meals to share. We also plan to take a trip to a local farm that has fields and fields of sunflowers to enjoy!

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Picking pumpkins that paid a visit along with the 30 sunflowers!! Amazing growth for my small unintended garden. Did not expect so many, so now I'm starting to make salsa and bake the too early pumpkins

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Blackberries steeping in apple cider vinegar, waiting to be transformed into culinary and medicinal blackberry vinegars.

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I love blackberries. This year, in my country, because of the lack of rain, there are few good blackberries, as they are very dry. But we've had lots of good cherries, great sweet cherries.

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I think this is my favourite time of year too (after autumn that is!) There’s something about the long stretches of dark yellow fields and all the dried long grass too. Conversely, it’s the flat lands of East Anglia I love at this time of year where the sunset never ends and you can see fields for miles and miles. It’s my ancestral home so I feel a real kinship there!

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